The experiments were performed at 23

To investigate if the observed effects on activation and inactivation kinetics could reduce K2. 1 currents to the extent observed in Torin 2 our experiments, we generated model current traces using averaged experimental data on time constants of activation and inactivation. The current traces were simulated by the function where Iis the experimental average peak current amplitude in control, tand tare the average experimental activation and inactivation time constants, respectively, and C, Cand Care the constants obtained by fitting current decay with bi exponential function, such that C C C_ 1. To simulate the effects of gating modification, we used the values of t, tand constants C, Cand Cfrom the control sample and in the presence of celecoxib, while the value of Iwas the same as in the control sample.
Comparison of these simulations with corresponding experimental data allowed finding the differences in peak currents that could not be attributed to gating modification alone. K2. 1 channels are formed by tetramers with four identical subunits. While individual subunits can be considered as being activated independently, the VEGF channel pore becomes permeable to ions when all four subunits have been activated. Thus, a fourth order Boltzmann function f _ 1/ /b)), where Vis the half activation potential and b is the slope factor, was used to fit voltage dependence of fractional maximal conductance g/g. Similarly, fitting of activation time courses can be explained by fourfold symmetry of K2. 1.
Thus, the function f _ C )was used to fit rising parts of the current traces to obtain the values of the activation time constant, t. Inactivation time courses of the currents in control, without exposure to celecoxib, was well fitted by a monoexponential function. Bi exponential function provided only a marginal improvement to the fit kinase inhibitor library for screening of the control traces. However, a bi exponential function was needed to fit inactivation data at 0. 3 mM celecoxib, as it provided a much better fit to the experimental data than the mono exponential function. Figure 1B shows how to dissolve peptide that rK2. 1 current reduction was larger at the negative than the positive voltages, suggesting a mechanism that is different from open channel block. Rat K2. 1 channels typically respond to depolarization by relatively slow activation. Activation time course demonstrated a sigmoid delay with or without celecoxib. Figure 2C shows the voltage dependence of tin control and with different concentrations of celecoxib. The drug significantly decreased tbetween 20 and 10 mV, with a smaller effect at higher potentials. At 20 mV, the values of twere 27. 5 _ 2. 0 ms, 16. 9 _ 1. 7 ms and 16. 6 _ 1. 2 ms. At 0 mV, they were 10.
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